Hello world!

My name is Sophie and if you happened to stumble on this page, it’s either because you know me, and I told you to follow it, or because, just like me, you’re passionate about fitness. Either way, thanks for following!

I’m an aspiring fitness model and who truly hopes to be able to one day, call herself a true fitness model. For now I’m learning about the buisiness, working as a personal training and training hard for diverse fitness competitions.

Just like you, I love learning about new nutrition tips, new workouts and new ways to spice up my active lifestyle. I also love to share my growing knowledge with people who are as interested and curious as I am. There’s a ton of information out there and it’s by sharing, asking questions and reading, that we can get what we need. Hopefully this blog has everything you’re looking for, whether it’s inpiration, motivation or whether you are a friend or family member curious about the path I’ve embarqued on towards my goal – becoming a fitness model.

Don’t forget to subscribe so you can get email updates whenever I post something new. Also, don’t be shy to drop me a line or a comment if you have any questions.

Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoy!

2 thoughts on “Hello world!

  1. You can do it girl! I hope the training and nutrition process is going well. Stay strong. I am on a different journey than you, but I am definitely on the same path of trying to be as focused and disciplined as I can while following a nutrition plan and physio. I keep this quote on my fridge to stay on point, “Talent without discipline, without focus, without confidence is wasted”. I hope this finds you well. xo

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