About me

So you’ve read a few of my posts and now you’re wondering, who is this wonderful person whose words of wisdom I can’t get enough of? Which is why you clicked on the “about me” page and here we are.

I guess this is where I come in and tell you more about me.

I like writing. Always have, always will. I was born and raised in Quebec city, speaking French and as far back as I can remember, I was writing. In French. And I was good. I knew I wanted to become a writer.

After a failed basketball career, thanks to numerous concussions (apparently, I have a fragile brain!), I picked up weight training and running to channel my anger towards no longer being a ball player. I loved it! I’ve always been on the shy side growing up, and will always remember the overwhelming feeling of walking through the weight room with people staring, trying to figure out which exercise to do and how to properly do so.

I moved to British-Columbia at 17, to learn English. I obviously did pretty well, as I’m more comfortable writing in English now.

After years of being away from home, I started developing anxiety that even the longest runs or most intense workouts couldn’t relieve. It was a dark and scary time.I started to write to help me with cope with this overwhelming feeling of never being good enough. I’m a perfectionist and a bit of a control freak, what can I say?  This when I came across blogging and believe me, if you could read my old blog, you’d find it pretty gruesome. But I’m okay with it because to be the person I am today, I had to go through what I’ve been through. Now, please don’t let your imagination run too wild, it wasn’t THAT bad, I just wasn’t in a happy place.

I’ve always had a desire to work with people and help, teach and inspire. Which is why I went to nursing school. I worked in the hospital a little but it was never exactly what I wanted for myself.

If you take my passion for writing, training, learning, helping and inspiring, mixed with my old insecurities, extreme shyness and confusion, you get this blog! I think I can relate to a lot of people curious about fitness. First off because I am an aspiring fitness model, but also because I’ve been there, not long ago, in this place where you’re uncomfortable with yourself and about to make important changes. This place where you have so many questions and are not sure who to turn to because you’re afraid of being judged or laughed at. Well, readers, I am this person you can ask anything to! Because, once again, I can relate! My hunger to help, inspire and educate goes beyond what you can imagine.

I, myself, have a long way to go, I still have so much to learn, but I’m excited. There are so many people I look up to in the fitness industry, and I know that of them have started reading this blog which is mind-blowingly exciting! Robin, Vince, Glen, Terry, Jessica…only to name a few, thanks for reading, and please, keep reading!

This blog is taking you through what I learn, the shows I’m getting ready for, the photo shoots I’m dreaming of, the nutrition and exercises I learn about and everything else surrounding it.

I’m a down to earth, warm and caring girl who loves to use words and I think I’m pretty good at it. So why not go with it? I think this is what sets me apart from anybody else and if you keep reading, you might just realize it too.

Make sure you subscribe to get email updates and if you ever want to email me with comments or questions, no matter how silly you think they might be, DON”T HESITATE! Email me! I want to hear from you! If there’s something you’d like me to write about, let me know. We all start our journey somewhere and while reading this blog, you are becoming part of my journey, thank you. Hopefully, I am helping you through yours.

1 thought on “About me

  1. So,

    à tout les jours la vie nous apprends à s’ouvrir, ou parfois ce protèger, à la nouveauté. Tu as une belle plume et tu parviens à faire sentir ce que tu ressents.

    Ton blogue est une excellente idée pour non seulement communiquer ce qui se passe en toi et pour toi, mais aussi de créer. Que se soit des liens ou le plaisir de mettre sur ton écran ton côté créatif et parfois même avec un peu d’imagination.

    Bon succès dans ce beau projet de bloque So!


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